Mr. Muskrat on 2008-06-09T17:12:21

Gabor Szabo requested comments on several new CPANTS metrics. Short answer: it is not enough.

What benefit does having Debian metrics add for anyone who doesn't use Debian (or a Debian-based OS)? None, I suspect.

When will we see Red Hat specific metrics added? distributed_in_rhel has a nice ring to it. And you can't forget about Slackware; got_slack? Microsoft users will cry out for bill_gates_approved. FreeBSD needs some love too, sold_your_soul_to_the_daemon.

The proposed additions cry out for even more! We want, nay! We NEED additions for every OS imaginable! When can we expect to see those?

Seriously now

Mr. Muskrat on 2008-06-10T04:37:03

Yes, I did read that Gabor would like to add metrics for FreeBSD and Fedora but is that going to help or hurt?

I believe that we will be sending the wrong message unless metrics are added for every OS under the sun. (Please don't do that either, it will only complicate things further.) I do not want people thinking that the Perl community is supporting Debian Linux, FreeBSD or Fedora over any other OS or Linux distribution. Perl runs just about every where so why send mixed signals when it comes to perceived quality (aka "kwalitee")?